Honor Unit With Distinction with a 98.5%

The Warrior JROTC mission is “to motivate young people to be better citizens”. We embrace this mission and have tailored the program’s objectives to meet the needs and challenges of our Cadets. We welcome our students and parents that we may share our vision to direct, persuade, encourage and inspire them to achieve their greatness and soar to reach their potential. The Core values of the Program reflect the morals, beliefs, and values of us all. We aim for the development of the Cadets’ innate gifts of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. It’s all about “LEADERSHIP”. The sum of all is to produce cadets founded on character development, academic preparedness, and their own “VISION” for their success as they journey through the 21st Century and its Global society.